



You’ve probably heard of Julia Cameron’s “Morning Pages” stream of consciousness writing done first thing in the morning…

Evening Pages are to reflect, go inward, and get to know your inner game.

Want to carve out time in a calm space to journal?

You’re invited to Evening Pages!

Where: online zoom meeting.

When: monthly on the first Wednesday of every month from 7 to 8 pm EST.

Who: anyone who wants to journal deeper and explore their inner game.

What: say hi, free-write for 5 minutes to get any stories bouncing around in your head out of the way, and then I’ll lead a guided journaling session with non-lyrical music, short embodiment exercises, and/or meditations before integrating what you wrote — with a completely optional space to share — and saying bye.

How much? It’s free! One of our business values is accessibility so I hold these free sessions as a way to offer guided journaling to more people who could benefit from this work. And so it’s easy to invite a friend to give them a taste! I want everyone to experience the power of guided journaling.

Sign-up below to receive the zoom link to join Evening Pages.

P.S. Feel free to invite or bring a friend who you think might be interested!

“If you are feeling stuck, turning to the pages of your journal for answers is the most potent activator because answers that come from within are the ones where the real magic lies. It can be hard to get yourself to that page though, especially if it’s staring at you blankly and your pen refuses to move because you’re afraid of the truth you might find there.

I consider Deanne a guardian of your insights – her profound gentle-but-firm prompts encourage the words to start flowing and her silent witnessing is the accountability you need to get started. She also asks the kinds of questions that get straight to the heart of things with compassion, not confrontation. You feel loved and seen throughout, no matter what gets unearthed.

If you’re looking for answers from yourself but need a little push, attend any of Deanne’s workshops or drop-in sessions. You’ll leave feeling lighter and more hopeful about the things you felt stuck on before.

-Sonja Seiler

Sign-up below to receive the zoom link to join Evening Pages.



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Beware though 👇